Welcome to Nature Site!
This Website is about the natural world, especially the flora and fauna of
Great Britain
Birdwatching Game Instructions
Birdwatching Game simulates a walk in the countryside on the lookout for our feathered friends.
From the time you click 'Start Playing' you have six minutes to identify as many birds as you can. For each new type of bird you identify you accumulate points, the rarer the bird, the more points.
You may switch habitat at any time by selecting a new habitat on the dropdown. The birds which appear will be those typically found in the chosen habitat with the likelihood of a particular species appearing depending on how common it is in that habitat (in Great Britain). You can also switch between English and Italian at any time.
You may stop the game mid-way by pressing 'Stop Playing'. At the end your score will be saved, and if you achieved one of the highest scores, you will appear on the
Top Scores Page
Good luck!
Tips if using a tablet such as iPad - the switch from Beginner to Expert level cannot be swiped on a touchscreen but you can press the right side of the switch to change to Expert level or left side to return to Beginner level
This Website is written by Carl Rylett.
If you have any questions, please email me at